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Committee Description

In accordance with university Policy 3-234, the Surveillance System Administrator Committee (SSAC) is charged with establishing the implementation process and procedures, policy goals, and completing the inventory of all existing building access and surveillance systems on campus.  Specifically, the committee is responsible for:

  • Oversight for the registration, approval, installation and operation of building access systems and other surveillance systems.
  • Oversight for the system placement and operation, and data collection, storage, disposal, access, and use of building access systems and other surveillance systems.
  • Creating greater campus awareness about the installation and operation of building access and surveillance technologies in accordance with Policy 3-234 and Rule 3-234A.
  • At least annually providing a summary report of the committee’s activities to the Academic Senate.

Committee Members

Committee members are appointed to a 3-year term and shall convene monthly under the direction of the committee’s chair.

Harriet Hopf

School of Medicine (Chair)

Chris Shirley

U Hospitals and Clinics

Kimberly Barnett

Deputy Chief Safety Officer for Support Services

Duncan Campbell

Campus Building Access Team

Leslie Francis

Quinney College of Law

Byron Garritson

U Health Human Resources

Ian Godfrey

Marriott Library

Jason Hinojosa

University Police Captain

Carolyn Klassen

Huntsman Mental Health Institute

Bart Mickelsen

Office of Comparative Medicine

Steve Panish

U Health

Kyle Parkin

Commuter Services

Ken Stonebrook

Student Affairs

Bob Thompson

Human Resources

Michele Ballantyne

Committee Legal Counsel
Office of General Counsel

Eric Eide

College of Engineering
Faculty Representative

Megan Cortez

Marketing & Communications
Staff Representative

Jake Johansen

Chief Information Security Officer


Important: If you are a member of a law enforcement organization and need access to video surveillance, you must contact the Department of Public Safety Dispatch directly at 801-585-2677, and ask for the on-call detective.  Do not send your request to the SSAC.