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University of Utah's General Education Program in Bachelor of Arts/Science Degrees

The University is currently migrating to a new curriculum management system that populates the online course catalog.

That process is estimated to be completed by the end of fall semester 2024, with an exported list of mandatory courses and syllabi following in Spring 2025.

University of Utah Degrees and Programs

The University is currently migrating to a new curriculum management system that populates the online course catalog.

That process is estimated to be completed by the end of fall semester 2024, with an exported list of mandatory courses and syllabi following in Spring 2025.

University of Utah Potentially Required Trainings for Campus Employees
Click the button below for a list of all trainings that could potentially be required for University of Utah staff and/or Faculty members.
Staff & Faculty Courses
University of Utah Potentially Required Trainings for University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics Employees
Click the button below for a list of all trainings that could potentially be required for University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics staff members.
Hospital & Clinic Courses
University of Utah Potentially Required Training for Students
Click the button below for a list the list of all trainings/educational workshops that could potentially be required for students at the University of Utah.
Student Courses