H.B. 261 Mandatory Courses and Trainings Lists
In compliance with H.B. 261, the University of Utah is required to publish the titles and syllabi of all mandatory courses, seminars, classes, workshops, and training sessions on the University’s website in an online database readily searchable by the public (Section 53B-1-118(3)(b)). This webpage provides links to such databases. These lists of “mandatory” courses are not intended to provide information to students regarding program, degree, or graduation requirements. Students seeking information related to those requirements should contact their appropriate program contact or University of Utah advising at advising.utah.edu.
The University is currently migrating to a new curriculum management system that populates the online course catalog.
That process is estimated to be completed by the end of fall semester 2024, with an exported list of mandatory courses and syllabi following in Spring 2025.
The University is currently migrating to a new curriculum management system that populates the online course catalog.
That process is estimated to be completed by the end of fall semester 2024, with an exported list of mandatory courses and syllabi following in Spring 2025.